A program designed for children to play together and have fun-filled activities.
A Program designed for children to work in group and as individual which helps self-learn with the materials provided in our environment. Includes Montessori method.
A program designed for Children to learn on their own, where the Child learns from external stimulus.
Our curriculum is child centric which focuses on the overall development of the child.We provide a healthy environment to the child in which, the child can work in groups and as individual.The children explore and experience all the concepts by our stimulating environment..The children are encouraged to be more independent and develop their skills in their own pace. We focus more on the following areas for the overall development of the child.
Our philosophy of learning is through Play, Learn and Explore.Every child has its own potential strength...We provide materials for the child to play with, experiment it and explore the knowledge more by themselves. Emphasis on independence , Freedom within limits and respect for the psychological, physical and social development of the child.
Toddlers group will experience the school for the first time without parents. Different fun filled activities make them slowly grow independent and confident In this age group the child learn language and pre math skills.
In this program the children are allowed to work and play with educative materials. Children are supported to explore and discover the new concepts, build confidence and get thorough knowledge in concepts and basics.
In this program children learn more concepts elaborately. Concentration and deep knowledge is gained in this program.
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